Video Presentation
A video presentation is provided in Station 1: Welcome and Presentation as an overview of the virtual meeting information.
Thank you for your interest in the Laurel Valley Transportation Improvement Project (LVTIP)! The purpose of this meeting is to inform the public about the advancement of the Final Design for Section Y10, which is anticipated to begin construction later this year. Important details about proposed construction-related detours and phasing is shared for public review and input.
This page and the opportunity to provide comments will be available until February 7, 2025, and all feedback received will be made part of the public meeting record.
This page displays station-by-station information as it was presented during the in-person public plans display conducted at the Pleasant Unity Fire Hall on Thursday, January 23. Each station reviews details of a different aspect of the project. An overview of the information provided is included in the presentation video in Station 1: Welcome and Presentation.
Video Presentation
A video presentation is provided in Station 1: Welcome and Presentation as an overview of the virtual meeting information.
Submit Comments
Online and PDF comment forms are included on this page. Please provide your feedback after you review the information.
The LVTIP is a project of PennDOT District 12-0 and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with Westmoreland County. The primary focus of the project is to improve safety, access and mobility along the SR 981 corridor between SR 819 and the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport. After a Feasibility Study conducted in 2015-2017, the study corridor was divided into three separate projects: SR 981, Section Q20 (SR 981 to Norvelt); SR 981, Section V20 (Norvelt to Bingham Road); and SR 981, Section Y10 (Bingham Road to Arnold Palmer Regional Airport).
SR 981, Section Q20
SR 981, Section V20
Preliminary Design
SR 981, Section Y10
Final Design
Explore the map below to learn about key features of the Section Y10 Final Design alignment and roundabout locations. Section Y10 will address sight-distance issues and improve curves and grades throughout the project area. Three roundabouts will replace traditional intersections to better manage the flow of traffic through the area and provide increased safety at the intersections.
The two-way stop controlled intersection with Route 130/Route 2023 (Bell Memorial Church Road) will be reconstructed into a four approach roundabout.
A new three-approach roundabout intersection will be constructed at existing Bell Memorial Church Road, the new Route 981 alignment, and relocated Bell Memorial Church Road near Green Street.
A new four approach roundabout intersection will be constructed at existing Bayhill Road and Route 981. Existing Airport Road will be relocated to become the fourth leg of the roundabout. This future intersection and SR 981 roadway northbound towards Route 30 will match the previously reconstructed SR 981 roadway adjacent to the airport.
A new drainage conveyance system will be constructed along SR 981 throughout the project area utilizing new inlets, piping, two box culverts, ditches, and defined outlet locations. Stormwater management features will be constructed to manage the flow rates and water quality associated with the roadway runoff.
A new Route 981 roadway alignment will be constructed through the Westmoreland Airpark to make the connection from existing Bell Memorial Church Road south of Green Street to SR 981 adjacent to the airport. New alignment through Westmoreland Airpark. New exclusive left turn lanes will be added to the new SR 981 Roadway to provide access to Bingham Road and Lentz Road.
Route 981 will be widened to 12-foot travel lanes and 8-foot shoulders.
Section Y10 will look very similar to recently-completed Section Q20 and the Section V10 improvements completed near the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport. This project will utilize similar driveway tie-ins and lane and shoulder widths.
The environmental resources surrounding the project area are an important part of overall project development.?
The project team has completed work identifying environmental resources. Environmental permits are either approved or under agency review. The Section Y10 project will include nine to stormwater basins to help manage stormwater and water quality in the area.
Driveway tie ins will be incorporated into the new alignment, similar to Route 981, Section V10 Project at Arnold Palmer Regional Airport.
Similar to the completed Section Q20 project south of Norvelt, Section Y10 will include 12 ft. travel lanes and 8 ft. shoulders.
Construction for Section Y10 will span three construction seasons, from late Summer 2025 to Fall 2027, and will be completed in four phases*. PennDOT will coordinate with the community and the contractor to plan closures and restrictions to ensure traffic flow and accommodate local events.
*Construction phasing may be modified by the contractor.
Public outreach and feedback is valuable to the Project Team as the LVTIP section improvements are developed and implemented. The public outreach efforts will continue throughout the remaining phases of SR 981, Section Y10 and SR 981, Section V20.
The Key Stakeholders (KeyS) Committee serves as a conduit to share project information between the Project Team and the community as the project progresses. The KeyS Committee was formed during the Feasibility Study to collaborate with the Study Team and provide input into the development and advancement of potential solutions.
KeyS Committee members represent the following community segments:
Please provide your feedback using the online form below. You can also download a PDF copy of the Comment Form and mail it to the Project Team by February 7, 2025.
Please check back on this website,, for the most up-to-date information and join the project mailing list to receive email updates. Content from this public plans display will be featured on this website throughout the current public comment period ending Friday, February 7, 2025.