Route 981, Section Q20
Consistent Corridor Design
While the three projects will be designed and constructed separately, all three will include similar improvements to create a consistent and cohesive corridor. A two-lane typical section will be used throughout the project. The improved roadway will have wider 12-foot travel lanes and eight-foot shoulders. It will be designed for a 45-mile-per-hour speed limit. Curves and grades will be improved throughout the corridor and the new roadway will be designed to fit community context.
Corridor Examples
Examples of what this roadway will look like can be found north of the project where PennDOT previously completed the Route 981, Section V10 project near the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport.
Driveway tie ins will be incorporated in the new alignment. (Route 981, V10 Project at Arnold Palmer Regional Airport)
Roundabouts will be considered for the Y10 project. The V10 project roundabout enhances safety and traffic flow while providing gateway aesthetics for the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport entrance.
Signage is used to help drivers smoothly enter and exit a roundabout. (Route 981, V10 Project at Arnold Palmer Regional Airport)
Similar to the completed V10 project immediately north, the Y10 project will include 12 ft. travel lanes and 8 ft. shoulders.
Corridor Overview
The Route 981 corridor improvements will consist of three projects separate projects, each with logical termini and independent utility. These projects make financial sense and create shorter impacts to the community during construction. The three projects are: